Timber Wolf
Information Network

Chris Giese
Board Member
I came to Central Wisconsin in the late 1970’s to pursue a degree in forestry, which I did, but ended up staying. In the early 80’s I was fortunate to see two wolves crossing a field during winter time in the northeastern part of Portage County. I was hooked. In 1989 TWIN starting offering the study of wolves’ workshops at Treehaven. After being put on a waiting list to attend for several years I got my chance. After that experience I joined TWIN. as a member at large. I also started attending Board meetings where I met people who shared my passion and interest. Shortly after that I ran for the Board of Directors and have served almost continually since 1996. I also joined the DNR Volunteer Tracking program. I had great teachers to learn from in the TWIN leadership.
Flash forward to present day. What I learned from my experiences with TWIN helped me to become a regional coordinator in the tracking program and field tracker for the annual TWIN at Treehaven workshop. I have also been involved in summer wolf howl surveys for the past 20 years. My work life is not in wildlife science but my experiences with wolf monitoring have fed my interest in natural resources. I look forward to continuing my involvement with wolf monitoring for years to come and hope I can inspire you to get involved too.