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SE: Wolf hunt has been appealed

winter’s license hunting wolves in Sweden is appealed by environmental organizations.  That may mean that the hunt, which will start on January 2, will be suspended.
On Tuesday a joint appeal from the Nature Conservation Society, WWF and the Swedish Society for Predators was submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency for forwarding to the administrative courts in Karlstad, Falun and Uppsala.

It probably can not have the three courts decide the matter in the short time remaining to the hunt. But they may issue a temporary stop, called inhibition.

“We hope for a stay of enforcement until the issue has been resolved, and then the hunt is stopped completely,” says Johanna Sandahl, Chairman of the Society for Nature Conservation.

Requires hunt suspension

The Swedish wolf population includes about 400 animals, but according to the environmental organizations the wolves are not a viable population, then it shall not be a subject of hunting.  The decision of the hunting license was for a maximum of 46 wolves in five counties.

“The population is significantly inbred. As long as the problem persists, no license hunting should be allowed,” says Sandahl.Environmental organizations have also referred to a withdrawal of over ten percent of the population is not in reasonable proportion to the potential damage caused by wolves.

Quick decision

NGO action was expected, since the Supreme Administrative Court in a ruling last week reinstated the right to appeal against wolf hunting in court.

The law was repealed in 2014 since the previous government regionalised wolf management. That meant hunting decisions could only be appealed to the Environmental Protection Agency. But now the previous order is restored.

It is now expected that the three administrative courts must make decisions quickly, before Christmas or shortly after Christmas. The Administrative Court in Karlstad determines hunt in Värmland and Örebro, court in Falun the hunt in Dalarna, Gavleborg, while the court in Uppsala makes decisions about the hunting in Västmanland.



License Wolf hunting was conducted in January-February 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2015 in Sweden.

During the hunt in 2010 shot were 28 wolves and 2011, 19 wolves. The following year, 2012,  the hunt was stopped, environmental organizations appealed the decision in court, and in 2013 the hunters could only shoot three animals before the hunt was called off. Even in 2014 the court halted the hunt.

At the beginning of this year was licensed hunting be possible since the environmental organizations lost the right to appeal, after which 44 wolves were shot. Now, however, the hunt is stopped again.

Source: SVA.
