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SE Väst: County Board: Better fencing protects against wolf attacks

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

After the big wolf attack in Hedekas yesterday when 38 sheep were attacked, now calls on the provincial government to notify all sheep owners to obtain proper predator-resistant fencing.

“In the county must be expected that there may emerge wolf anywhere and anytime. If they do not have predator repellent fence is a clear risk that the wolf can get into the paddock, and then it will go to the sheep,” says Anita Bergenfeldt, which is predator specialist on the County Board.

The number of wolves is constantly increasing in Sweden and among others in our area. Wolves will be in Kroppefjäll, Kynnefjäll and many are between Dals Ed and the Norwegian border. Even down in Uddevalla wolves have been seen.

Given the large increase in the wolves and even wolf attacks should most sheep owners should have predator-resistant fencing, but despite the risk, most sheep owners do not have them,” says Anita Bergenfeldt.

“No, most sheep pastures do not have predator-resistant fencing,” she says.

What is the cause of it do you think?

“There is a lot of work with the fences, and the contribution from the county does not always cover the full cost either. Then there has not been so great a risk before. But in recent years, the risk has increased significantly.”

Anita Bergenfeldt points out that they want people to apply for grants to be able to put up fences, as they have so far worked well against wolves.
