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SE: Twenty lambs killed in wolf attack

Roughly translated by TWIN Observer

In an unusually large wolf attack in Glumserud between Karlstad and Kristinehamn a number of lambs were killed the night before last. Although the lambs were staying in a pasture with predator resistant fencing wolves managed to enter.

They killed the lambs belonging to farmer Jonas Torstensson.

“A wolf has entered the pasture where lambs grazed and has attacked about 25 lambs of which seven were dead when I found them and so we had to kill another 13 lambs,” says Jonas Torstensson.

You had predator repellent fence, but it has not helped?

“No, I do not think those fences is one hundred percent safe, probably the wolf has found a place where it managed to crawl under the fence,” he says.

For New Wermlands-Gazette says the county administrative surveyor Urban Mossberg that the attack is unusually large but it does not happen very often.

Although the farmer Jonas Torstensson lost twenty lambs he does not want to interfere in the wolf debate, but he will be more present in the pasture where there is still around 60 lambs surviving, just to try to show their presence against the wolf.

“We struggle with animal care at all times for them to be as good as possible. Animal breeding is based on (the idea that) the animal will eventually die in a slaughterhouse in a controlled manner, but I think it’s sad that it should end up like this,” he says.
